Partners with a Purpose

Help Christian Singles Find Their Equally-Yoked Partners

Join forces with MatrimonyStation

Dear Pastors, Church Leaders, Ministers, Youth Leaders, and Christian Influencers,

Are you passionate about building strong, Christ-centered marriages in your community? Do you want to make a lasting impact on the lives of Christian singles? We invite you to join our mission to change families - one marriage at a time.

A Story of Unequal Yoking

Rita grew up in a pastor's home, surrounded by faith and community. But as she entered adulthood, she struggled to find a compatible partner within her Christian circle. Frustrated, she married a colleague from work - a handsome man, kind and compatible, but one from a different faith who didn't share her love for Christ..

What started as a hopeful union soon unraveled. Their fundamental differences in values and beliefs created constant tension. Despite their best efforts, the marriage crumbled, leaving Rita a single mother to a 10-year-old, her faith shaken and her heart broken.

Rita’s story is all too common. If only she had found someone who was truly "equally yoked" as the Bible instructs, her life could have been filled with the joy of a Christ-centered marriage

Become an ambassador for Christ

Our Mission: Saving Families, One Marriage at a Time

At MatrimonyStation, we're on a mission to prevent stories like Rita's. We provide a VIP Christian matchmaking service that helps believers find compatible, equally yoked partners. But we can't do it alone. This is where you come in.

Join Forces with MatrimonyStation

As an affiliate partner, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Engage in meaningful Kingdom work

  • Guide singles towards God-honoring relationships and build strong, Christ-centered marriages

  • Earn additional income to support your family

Your Impact: Eternal and Rewarding

By partnering with MatrimonyStation, you're not just helping singles find love - you're helping to build strong, faithful families that will impact generations to come. This is more than a partnership; it's a calling to strengthen the body of Christ. And yes, earning some extra income to support your work.

Together, we can build stronger families, stronger churches, and a stronger Christian community.

Ready to Make an Impact?

Click below to learn more about becoming an affiliate partner with MatrimonyStation. Join us in this crucial mission to foster Christ-centered marriages.