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Building a Strong Godly Marriage: A Chat with Dr. Uzwal Kiran

MatrimonyStation: Dr. Uzwal, you're known for giving advice to newlyweds. As a professor and a Christian, what's your secret sauce for making those early years of marriage strong?

Dr. Uzwal: (chuckles) Secret sauce, I like that! You know, those first few years.. they are the most important - like laying the foundation of a house. You need a solid foundation for your marriage to stay strong throughout your life together.

MatrimonyStation: So what does a solid foundation look like in a marriage?

Dr. Uzwal: It's all about God. It's essential for both husband and wife to focus on spending more time in fellowship with God than with anyone else, including friends, relatives, and even parents. I mean, don't get me wrong, family's important and all that, but prioritizing time with God and making Him the cornerstone of your relationship is the foundation every marriage needs to navigate through life's ups and downs.

MatrimonyStation: Interesting. So you're talking about growing spiritually together?

Dr. Uzwal: Exactly! And let me tell you, it's not always easy. Life gets busy, but carving out time for daily prayer and Bible reading together? That's non-negotiable. And here's a pro tip: If one of you forgets, the other should step up and ensure this daily ritual is never missed. Remember, we are in spiritual warfare – and our adversary is relentlessly trying to destroy Christian homes – and having God at the center provides the 'relationship glue' your marriage needs.

MatrimonyStation: That's powerful stuff. You've touched on privacy in one of your interviews before. Can you talk a bit about that?

Dr. Uzwal: Oh man, this is a big one. It's crucial to keep your marriage private - do not let third parties interfere. It's so tempting to call up your mom or your best friend to air grievances when issues arise between you and your spouse. But trust me, that is harmful and can backfire big time.

MatrimonyStation: How so?

Dr. Uzwal: Well, you and your spouse might make up, but your mom's still mad at your spouse! (laughs) No, but seriously, working things out between yourselves builds trust. With that said, there are many good conferences and workshops for couples and there are excellent online resources like sermons, books, podcasts, and workshops for conflict management .

MatrimonyStation: Any books you'd recommend for newlyweds?

Dr. Uzwal: There's this one called "Boundaries in Marriage" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend - it's really good. Oh, and "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman - that's a classic. I am sure there are other good ones, but these are my top two.

MatrimonyStation: Are there any practical day-to-day tips for keeping the love alive?

Dr. Uzwal: (laughs) Well, nothing says "I love you" like doing the dishes, right? My wife loves it when I help around the house. It's not just about grand gestures, it's the little things that matter. Whether it's cleaning, cooking, folding laundry, or other chores, working together as a team fosters a spirit of partnership — and keeps the love alive.

MatrimonyStation: That's great advice. Anything else you'd recommend?

Dr. Uzwal: Oh, and trips! Never underestimate the power of spending quality time together in the early years of marriage. A couple should plan trips and outings that allow them to connect on a deeper level and create lasting memories. Traveling together can also provide opportunities to learn more about each other and grow in love. It doesn't have to be fancy – even a weekend getaway can work wonders.

MatrimonyStation: You've given us so much wisdom. Any final thoughts for our newlyweds out there?

Dr. Uzwal: My last but not least thoughts are from Ephesians 5:25, where the Bible calls husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church. That's a high bar! When a husband loves like that, the wife naturally responds with respect and care. This mutual exchange of love and respect is the formula God designed. And believe me, it really works.

MatrimonyStation: Dr. Uzwal, thanks so much for your time. You've got this way of making deep truths feel so... doable.

Dr. Uzwal: (smiles) It's my pleasure. Marriage is a journey and with God at the helm, it will stand the test of time! Thanks for having me, this was fun!